A lesson in sheepheading

(ein Referat das www.emwernerseihemd.de für Frau Lehnert für Ihren Sprachaufenthalt in London erstellt hat; incl. der Supplemente, welche eine engagierte und fachkundige Kartgemeinde beigesteuert hat.)

"... Also: Dein Referat kannste so halten:

Dear audience

let me give you a little lecture about something "typical German".
I´m sure, that one of the most typical things in Germany is a really famous game - especially in the southern parts of Gy - namely in Bavaria - which is called sheephead or - how the aboriginees call it in their own language: Schafkopf.
A zünftig Sheephead is played with a set of 32 cards. Each 8 of them are the same colour which is: Green, Shell, Heart and Ächel. Well: Each colour contains 8 values: that are 7, 8, 9, 10, under, over, king and Ass... aeh.. As. Sorry about that!
Mention, that Green is called Blue and the As of Ächel it´s the "dog fucks pig". Okay: Each player gets a set of 8 cards by chance. And then the first one is allowed to call. For example he calls "I call the Bumbl!" And immediately another player can say: "Then I shoot a little bit!". And he lays out a layerle. Then the shooting is completed. Exept the player shoots also. For this he has time as long as he has 7 cards in his hand.
Well - I confess, it´s difficult to understand sheepheading on the base of this single example. So let me give you another one: First player calls out: "Away". Second: "Me too". Third: "I´m away too". Fourth: "Then we throw together!" Caution now!! It´s very important, that you now lay out a layerle!
Do you begin to understand, how sheephead works? It´s nice, isn´t it? Well some supplements: you can also play a Wenz, a Solo or a Wedding. Important: after a single game you play a cross. Very important: A cross is only played, when at least two players lay out a layerle! Mention this! Okay? Any questions left?

So I wish you happy sheepheading and god bless you

Sincerely yours Nicole

und jetzt ist der Punkt erreicht, wo Du Fersengeld gibst! Nix wie weg da!
I wish you a happy lecture
Sincerely yours
Thomas "

Soweit mein Vorschlag für Nicole´s Referat, das ich Ihr per email gesandt hatte.

Das Regelwerk habe ich in obiger Form auch an einige Insider geschickt und tatsächlich wesentliche Verbesserungsvorschläge erhalten.
Als erstes von Frau Ertl:

Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu dem Referat! Aber sogar ich weiß, dass the As of Shelln the dog fucks pig is and not the As of Ächel. Und: wichtig ist, to mention, that the Ober of Ächel is called "the old himself"

Gruss Regina

Lobenswert ist auch wache Blick von Frau Ertl´s Lebensgefährten, Herrn Utz: Einen Tag nach Frau Ertl hält es ihn nicht mehr und er hat wesentliche Ergänzungen zum Regelwerk beizutragen:

Hello Prof. Weth,
You already got some corrections from Ms Ertl the other day. I have some more additions to make:
Important rules:
1. with less than 30 eyes, you are taylor
2. If your As is called and you have the As and additonally three of the same color, you can card beneath
3. a solo, which is simply to play is called a "grand-mother"
4. when you and your partner have the first three overs, then you have runners and each running over will be billed with the amount of one pig-game, so it will get expensive!

Important sayings during a game of sheephead:
1. "Heart has everybody!"
2. "Now we drive with headlights on!"
3. "A card or a piece of wood!"
4. "At this card, I pee a little bit."
5. "Taylors are men, too."
Most important of all: Leave the Native Americans by your side!
Sincerely, Utzi

Und nach 4 Wochen intensiven Studiums ergänzt Herr Utz:

Hello Mr. Weth,

I'm looking forward to read these important essays on www.emwernerseihemd.de .
Happy sheepheading and always remember:
At Ächel comes Green!

Einen Monat nach der Veröffentlichung steigt herab direkt vom Olymp einer der Kartgötter - formarly known as Sef Schömig - persönlich und bittet um folgende Ergänzungen: ( www.emwernerseihemd.de zitiert:)

Never forget to lift off, there is one exeption: if the player left to the dealer knocks, then you need another layerle.

Zudem ergänzt er - www.emwernerseihemd meint: völlig zurecht - die von Herrn Utz erstellte Liste von "Important sayings":

6 . "Three times high America"
7. "Out comes always who's asking"
8. "With an under you can't go under"
9. "Bumbl drives the overs zamm"
10. "Heart is trump!"

Und - hier wird deutlich, warum Sef ein Kartgott ist:

Important note: If you open a new deck of cards, you must immediately tear the sixers into pieces, before any confusion can occur.

www.emwernerseihemd denkt, das Regelwerk sei nun wirklich komplett und es kann verantwortet werden, es auch einer englischsprachigen Öffentlichkeit zugänglich zu machen.
God bless you and .... Happy Sheepheading